My Biggest Productivity HackMy biggest productivity hack: Sundays.

As this week starts to draw to a close, I’m sure you already have next week filling up with responsibilities and to-do’s. Therefore, even though it’s still several days out, I you to start thinking about SUNDAY.

I’m frequently asked what my productivity hacks are, and I’m about you drop the BEST ONE.


Or as I like to call them, my Set the Stage Days.

I have a Sunday routine I like to do every week to mentally and physically prepare me for Monday – Friday. But even in the midst of the routine, I pour a glass of wine, turn on some music or television, and ENJOY it. It’s not only so I’m better at my job on Monday morning. It’s my form of self care.

Set the Stage Day is what I call (to myself, in my head) an FFM – something I do For Future Me. And I am always so thankful that I took these steps to make work and life more enjoyable and efficient.

I’m shaking things up this week and sharing all about Set the Stage Day in a video below.

Turn it on and listen to it while cleaning.

Or throw it up on your smart TV and watch it with some pop corn.

Either way, get ready for tangible steps on how to set yourself up for success using my biggest productivity hack! (And tag me on IG if you’re watching!) x

My Biggest Productivity Hack

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