My 24th birthday weekend in D.C. was nothing short than an absolute dream! It involved a brunch that took me back in time, stumbling upon a  Madewell sale, stops around my beloved city, and the most endearing friends. The day held some of my favorite D.C. things. Therefore, I’m sharing what I did on my birthday weekend in D.C. to give another girl an idea of what to do. Everyone should experience lovely D.C. days like this one!

Birthday Weekend in Washington DC Cute Balloons around Bed Idea Birthday Weekend in Washington DC Cute Balloons around Bed Idea

I woke up to a luxury I don’t often get to enjoy: let myself spend an HOUR doing my make up and hair. What sounds like overkill was actually thoroughly therapeutic and relaxing. I turned on Downton Abbey (comment if you’re a fan too!), sipped my free Starbucks birthday coffee, and painted my face slowly to my heart’s content. Then my roommate, Victoria, came home. She locked me in my bathroom to build me this picture-perfect balloons-in-bed set up! My jaw dropped! She’s the most thoughtful and creative!

Brunch: The Jefferson Greenhouse

After snapping about 200 photos in the balloon installation, we rushed off to the Jefferson for brunch. I had heard a lot about it, but stepping into it was like stepping back into the 1930s! Ella Fitzgerald scatted as we stepped upon black and white checkered tiles. Walls of art tunneled us all the way to the back of the room to our table by the fire place. I loved my meal and the service was unmatched. 5/5 for a historical, D.C.-esque brunch! It was such a treat.

Elisabeth atThe Jefferson Greenhouse Birthday Weekend DC The Jefferson Brunch Birthday Weekend DC The Jefferson Brunch Birthday Weekend DC The Jefferson Brunch Birthday Weekend DC The Jefferson Brunch Birthday Weekend DC The Jefferson Brunch

Georgetown: Shopping and Tea Time at Cafe Georgetown

After brunch, we drove to Georgetown for a little light shopping (we found a 40% off clearance Madewell sale + 15% off because I’m a grad student!). Georgetown is the perfect shopping combination of local stores and go-to stores that are everywhere (Madewell, Free People, Paper Source, DSW, etc.) There isn’t a great mall in D.C. proper, so Georgetown is the best option. However, my favorite stop in this neighborhood is for some tea. All my dreams of being British felt a little closer in that moment. We tried out Cafe Georgetown and approve! It’s a little small, but its quite adorable and has a killer almond croissant.

Hot tea on a cloudy day was so enjoyable, we decided to head home before our dinner reservations. We got comfy, edited photos from the morning, and watched the Sex and the City episode of Carrie’s 35th birthday. (That was totally an accident, we just picked a random episode!)

Birthday Weekend DC Cafe Georgetown Where to get coffee tea Birthday Weekend DC Cafe Georgetown Where to get coffee tea

Dinner: the Line Hotel’s Brothers and Sisters

As a great finale to the day, I met my girlfriends at the Line Hotel in Adams Morgan for dinner. So many of my friends have gone there for nice night outs or a little getaway, but that night was a first for me. It did not disappoint! The Knife Cut Noodles and brussels sprouts were exceptional. However, nothing paralleled to having the sweetest and most fun girls in D.C. sitting around the table with me. It was the perfect way to end a marvelous 24th birthday.

Birthday Weekend DC Dinner the line hotel adams morgan where to go out night nice meal Birthday Weekend DC Dinner the line hotel adams morgan where to go out night nice meal

Saw something you liked? You can shop my favorite brands and products here.

Birthday Weekend in Washington DC Cute Balloons around Bed Idea Birthday Weekend in Washington DC Cute Balloons around Bed Idea Birthday Weekend in Washington DC Cute Balloons around Bed Idea

with a new year upon us, check out my 2018 recap video, where I checked 11 items off my bucket list here!

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