FREE Monthly iPhone Wallpapers for February

I woke up to so many instagram posts joyously sharing that February is their favorite month. To be honest, February sneaks up on me. January is full of so much intimate reflection and planning for me (especially with the added layer of it being my birthday month) that February feels like it’s forcing me along. All of a sudden, I’m no longer warming up in the wings. February pushes me onto the stage of a new year and forces me to act. That being said, I decided to find a way to authentically show up to February as me, despite my hesitation. I’m so glad I got to exercise this metaphorical step forward by making these FREE monthly iPhone wallpapers for February for you guys.

I found myself in February through vintage textures and typefaces, and through romantic, French sweet nothings. I found myself in musings of Europe because no month could feel awkward there.

And suddenly, February fit like a glove. I hope these FREE monthly iPhone wallpapers for February will help settle in our 2/12 2019 chapter for you as well.

Here’s how you slip these babies on…
– go to on your phone, find this post
– hold your finger down on the wallpaper(s) you want
– select save image
– then go to your photos and set it as your wallpaper!
– while setting it be sure the photo isn’t zoomed in and select “still”

Do you love February? Comment why in the box below! I’m happy to be converted. 🙂

Au revoir, mes amis!

FREE iPhone Wallpapers February French Love Valentines Day Calendar New Year Elisabeth Huijskens FREE iPhone Wallpapers February French Love Valentines Day Calendar New Year Elisabeth Huijskens

FREE iPhone Wallpapers February French Love Valentines Day Calendar New Year Elisabeth Huijskens FREE iPhone Wallpapers February French Love Valentines Day Calendar New Year Elisabeth Huijskens

FREE iPhone Wallpapers February French Love Valentines Day Calendar New Year Elisabeth Huijskens FREE iPhone Wallpapers February French Love Valentines Day Calendar New Year Elisabeth Huijskens

FREE iPhone Wallpapers February French Love Valentines Day Calendar New Year Elisabeth Huijskens FREE iPhone Wallpapers February French Love Valentines Day Calendar New Year Elisabeth Huijskens

want more free designs to make you look and feel like you have your life together? enjoy them here.

check out my lifestyle, travel, and life hack videos here.

Comments +

  1. Lovie says:

    Thanks for the terrific guide

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