Every month, I create and give you free wallpapers to slip on your phones. When I’ve got a cute wallpaper on, my life feels that much more put together. Because it’s Women’s History Month and today is International Women’s Day, you’ll notice a feminist theme!

My strongest belief is that, though men and women are different, we were created equal. And feminism is not a dirty word if you’ve been taught what it truly means.

Here’s how you slip these babies on…
– go to www.elisabethhuijskens.com on your phone, find this post
– hold your finger down on the wallpaper(s) you want
– select save image
– then go to your photos and set it as your wallpaper!
– while setting it be sure the photo isn’t zoomed in and select “still”

If you download and use one of my wallpapers, post it to Instagram and tag me! I’d love to see and give you a shout out!

free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring

free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring



















The two above say “woman” in different languages. From top to bottom, left to right: Spanish, Hindi, Haitian Creole, French, Dutch, Swahili, Japanese.

free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring

free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring

free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring

free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring free phone wallpaper elisabeth huijskens march international women's day women's history month spring

Comments +

  1. • Khloe • says:

    • Love yourself, even at your darkest moments. Enjoy life! Treat yourself and have a great calm day, you deserve it. •


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