And all the single girls had a moment of silence for this beautiful proposal in central London. My BFF’s London proposal was a dream. It was the epitome of all our engagement pins on Pinterest and Instagram posts in our “saved photos.” My best friend Destiny’s boyfriend told me that he was going to propose in 2019, but he wanted to do it abroad. I just happened to be moving to London in 2019. It was perfect. She had no glue what was coming as we planned our time in London together. When November came around, her now-fiance and I played it off so cool (kind of).

Watch this 3 minute vlog to see the BTS of my BFF’s London proposal! You’ll also get massive inspiration! See where he popped the question and where we celebrated around London! When you’re done, scroll below for all the details on how to re-create it!

Where he popped the question:

Saint Dunstan in the East Church Garden

Where we went for drinks to celebrate + more options:

110 Bishopsgate

Sky Garden

Best place to get nails done in London:

DryBy – Soho

Rachel’s Nails & Coffee – Soho

Romanic, affordable places to have dinner:

La Mia Mama (Chelsea) – Italian

Titu – Japanese

Lardo – Pizza

Pergola (Paddington) – Mix of Everything, Great Atmosphere

Lady of the Grapes (Covant Garden) – Wine Bar

Brasserie Zedel (Piccadilly) – American Cabaret

Mac & Wild (Fitzrovia) – Take on Traditional British Cuisine

Thanks so much for being excited with us! Are you into travel or London specifically? Follow me on Instagram and YouTube where I post all the inspo. I reply to every single comment and DM — so let’s be friends! I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

Watch more of my London vlogs HERE!

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