Don't Feel Good Enough?Raise your hand if you have ever felt personally victimized by someone who misunderstood you, bullied you, or made snap judgements about you. I’d venture to say that at some point or another, most of us have been made to feel like we are not good enough.

Yesterday, I posted a video on my Instagram saying, “I am a good woman.”

And I was TERRIFIED. I was just waiting for someone to try to tear me down. But I knew there was another woman out there who needed to see me calling myself GOOD — despite my flaws — so she could see the good in herself as well.

The biggest compliment I have ever received was from my friend Elise. We were sitting on my sofa with wine and she said, “Thousands of people see your style and encouragement and accomplishments online, but what they don’t get to see in real life is that you are a GOOD person.”

When I tell you I cried, I literally sobbed.

I share this because you might need to hear that you’re a good woman too. Amidst working so hard, spinning multiple plates in the air, trying to be relational, and finding a sacred moment to rest — hear me when I say:


It’s so easy for people to watch a 15 second video of you online these days and decide if you are a good or bad person. What you wear. How you speak. Your hobbies. Your job. The graphics you reshare (or don’t reshare) to your story. It can all be twisted and turned against you in a snap.

But those people — THEY DON’T KNOW YOU. They will try to stab you where it hurts, and it can feel so real. But they don’t know who you truly are.

I haven’t given much thought to if I’m a good person or not in my life. I just do what I feel is right and just in the moment, knowing I did the best with what I knew at the time, and always remain open to growth and evolution.

But with all the pressures of the internet to be — by other people’s *various* standards — successful enough, knowledgeable enough, aesthetic enough, philanthropic enough, vocal enough… Wow, sometimes it’s healing to just look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I know I am a good woman. I’m not perfect. I’m not done growing. But I am good.”

So remember this when you feel like you are not good enough:

You, my friend — you are a good woman. 🤍

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