Personalize Your Morning Routine

Are you frustrated, wishing you could personalize your morning routine?

Feeling like you don’t have enough hours in a day?

Unsure how to maximize your mornings?

Overwhelmed with advice online about morning routines?

I’m going to tell you what others aren’t saying about morning routines: Morning routines aren’t one-size-fits-all.

Your morning routine shouldn’t feel like work. My tips for morning routines are pressure-free, exploratory ideas to help your morning WORK FOR YOU.

1. Your morning routine should add to your peace of mind and rest levels.

There are other ways to rest than to sleep. For instance, you might enjoy a cup of coffee in silence, journal, stretch, or read. Anything you can do to self-sooth and emotionally-pamper yourself after waking up is ideal.

2. Choose to personalize your morning routine activities in a way that is realistic for you.

What can you do consistently? (For me, it’s not realistic that I’ll wake up at 5:00am and workout every morning.) It’s important to choose what’s realistic so that you can show your sleepy self you can do it. If you set unrealistic goals, you’ll disappoint yourself and become too discouraged to be productive at all.

3. Release the expectation that your morning routine can’t change!

Your morning routine doesn’t have to be exactly the same forever. Actually, it should change day to day or season to season. Just listen to your body, mind, and heart. What do you need? More sleep? More journaling? Perhaps more stretching? Or more breakfast? Your routine can be fluid and should meet your current needs.

The worst thing for an ambitious woman’s mental health is putting expectations on herself that she repetitively doesn’t reach and then betting herself up for it. There’s no wrong way to do a morning routine. So breathe. Rest. Listen to what feels good to you. What’s right for one woman is not always what’s right for you.

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