What kind of woman do I want to be during all of this? Who do I want to be during a pandemic?These are the days we thought only happened in history books. We never thought they would happen to us, in our lifetime. But it has. And for the first time I’m fully understanding that those “stories” in the history books we had to read in school —  those history stories had characters, real living characters. I had never felt the weight of that until you and I have become characters in our own world history story today.

In light of this, I keep coming back to one question:
“What kind of woman do I want to be during all of this?”

Who do I want to be during an historical pandemic? When I look back, when I tell my children what I was thinking after they read about these days we’ve lived from the glossy pages of their history books — how do I want I answer to them? In my reflections, I’ve decided that I want to be able to say…

  • I was a woman who stayed at peace inside while the world was chaotic around me.
  • I never gave into sensation but exercised my intelligence to know how serious + significant it all was.
  • With wisdom, I asked myself, “What is this teaching me?” And thoughtfully identified those lessons to grow + take with me into future seasons.
  • I met the world’s anxiety with calm confidence.
  • I was charitable with my actions + finances.
  • I was educated + informed to defend those I loved.
  • I stewarded my business with savvy expertise + fluidity.
  • I never to added the the noise but fostered in only light.
  • I was compassionate, bold, open minded, and kind.

Your Answers

I wanted to know what kind of women my peer would say they wanted to be, so I took to Instagram and asked my followers the same question: What kind of woman do you want to be during all of this?

The answers were inspiring! Take a read:

I want to be someone who both shares the good that is coming from this and also someone who advocates for those who are being affected. 💗

I want to be the woman that made… adventure for my children. I want to be the woman who acted responsibly yet without fear. I want to be the woman who walks away from this situation with increase compassion and passion for people

I want to be the kind of young woman who meets anxiety and chaos with loving gentleness and encouragement. I want to be a calm amidst the raging waters of fear and uncertainty. When everyone else is doubting and afraid, I want to bring them joy and a smile to brighten their day. I want to shine God’s light into this broken world, and lend a helping hand when I can. That’s who I want to be. 💛 I’m only 17, but I believe God can use anyone of any age to make an impact. Thanks for sharing this!
Halle Grace

I want to be the kind of woman who trusts that God’s hand is at work in these tough times and keeps my eyes fixed on Him and stays calm, peaceful and wise in how I handle situations such as these. 💕

I want to be the kind of woman who treats everyone during this time with as much kindness and support as possible. It’s so easy to think of yourself in situations like this and forget that we are ALL human. As a sort of opposite to that (but not at the same time) I want to nurture my mental health and anxiety during this time and share with others things that I find help along the way 💕

Just trying to not let the worries get inside me, and being a joyful and positive person in all the negative!

I want to be the kind of woman who channels my extra time and anxieties into positive action. Taking care of myself through great playlists, lots of home workouts, and staying productive and taking care of others by following the guidance issued by governments and raising money for those in need! … I also want to be the kind of woman who gets really good at Bananagrams.

I want to be a beacon of love and kindness for others amidst the anxiety and chaos.

I want to be a daily reminder to stay positive and to keep shining! I want to use this time of “isolation” to reconnect with God, myself and the woman I want to create, and to be a beacon of light and love to those around me! Keep shining babes! ☀️💕

I want to be the kind of woman who continued to show up for the children she teaches. The teacher who walked into the classroom with joy and a bright smile. The woman and mother who chose praise over panic, and faith over fear 🙌

I want to be the kind of woman who was calm during uncertainty, offered comfort to loved ones, found small (or big!) pieces of joy, did what I could to help others , took time to reset and recenter, was humbled by inconveniences, clung to all that is good, looked to the future with hope, reminded myself “all will be well.”

I was a woman who provided a safe space in a time of uncertainty. I taught people how to effectively use coping skills while simultaneously giving them a space to be seen and heard without judgement. I validated feelings. I provided insight, empathy and support. I reminded them that there is light in darkness. That all emotions guide us to through own humanity and give voice to the power within us to create change that is good.

I want to be the kind of woman that stays true to what I say I value (even during hardships)! I want to seek out justice for the marginalized and speak out for the vulnerable. I want to be able to look back and see that I was generous with my love, my faith, my voice, and my finances. 💕

I want to be the kind of woman that served others with my skills rather than getting tunnel vision about personal projects.

I want to be the kind of woman that let her faith be bigger than her fear. She doesn’t panic. Without knowing the stories of others, chooses to be kind no matter what. She is bold in the face of adversity. She doesn’t give up. She uses her time wisely.

Like these wise women above, I want to do future-me a favor by intentionally deciding what kind of woman I want to be now during these historical events.

Ask yourself, “What kind of woman do I want to be during all of this?” Write down your answers. There is so much transformational power in putting pen to paper! And let’s make the best out of these days! Xx

With moxie + gumption,

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